Friday, January 25, 2019

Rockvale Writers' Colony


This week I have been at the Rockvale Writers Colony in Tennessee working on my manuscript about a traveling group of actors in 1672 France. Yesterday I wrote “The End” to the first draft, something I had expected to do over a year ago.

The writers colony is an 1853 farm house that was expanded into a Bed and Breakfast. I am in the Tennessee Room and the board walls and floor are beautiful old plank boards. Stenciled flowers are painted on the floor around the fireplace. 

I'm in Tennessee, the state and the room
My bed (very comfortable) and fireplace
Other rooms have local names: College Grove (the PO address); Flat Creek (runs along the highway); Williamson Room (the county). In addition to the farm house are two cottages. It is a compound that could probably accommodate 12 or 15 guests.

I met director Sandy Coomer and her assistant Heather Meek on arriving, and we had dinner with the other writer guests. Sandy is a writer herself and converted the B&B into Rockvale in 2018. Although there are others about the place, I rarely see them. Meals are on our own. Nothing scheduled. Perfect! 
Here's where I spend the day
I know from experience that I can get chunks of work done in isolation. And my schedule will explain why. Here’s a typical day:
9:30 AM Get up, do my stretches, get dressed
10:30 AM Eat cereal breakfast
Work on writing
2:00 PM Lunch, often tuna salad
Work on writing
Go for a walk
Work on writing
5:00 PM Supper, instant oatmeal
Work on writing
11:30 Bath and bed

I don’t cook, clean house, answer the phone or shop online. When I focus on writing I can become absorbed by the story and march ahead.

By the end of my stay, I’ll be ready to go home. I miss Doug. I hope to keep the momentum going once I’m back in my office.
The sun is in my face. Nice weather but cold

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